Celebrities who watch anime
Celebrities who watch anime

One type of anime isn’t inherently better than the other. Ultimately, it is up to the individual fan to decide which they prefer. PixaBay / Ryo Taka So, Which is Better, Dubs or Subs?

celebrities who watch anime

There are good reasons to watch both dubbed and subbed anime. Some of these fans eventually switch to preferring subbed versions of their favorite anime series, while others retain a soft spot for the versions that they grew up with. Anime fans often first got into the fandom through watching English dubs of shows like Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Pokémon, or Naruto on television. There are also many anime fans who were first introduced to anime through English dubs that were broadcast on TV. This is an extremely rare reason for preferring dubs, however.

celebrities who watch anime


Some fans actually claim to prefer the dubbed versions of certain series better than the original because the "mature" content present in the original Japanese version was removed. On the other hand, a far less common reason that some anime viewers give for preferring dubs to subs is, in fact, the censorship. While the plot of the show is still similar to the original version, the script is much more comedic and offensive in the English dub, which many fans of this anime prefer. Much of the final recording for this dub was ad-libbed by the voice actors. For example, the dubbed version of the anime Ghost Stories alters the original script to a more comedic one written by ADV screenwriter Steven Foster. In some cases, many fans prefer the completely different take on the show presented by the dub. Some anime dubs change the script quite a bit from the original Japanese version. Still, many purists prefer the original Japanese versions of anime series because they don’t want to miss out on these original Japanese cultural references. This practice isn’t as prevalent nowadays as it was in the past.

celebrities who watch anime

The script of some shows may also be changed for the English dub to change cultural references that the licensors believe won’t be understood outside of Japan to make the show less confusing and more relatable to foreigners, including Americans.

celebrities who watch anime

This was corrected in the more recent redub of the original Sailor Moon. In the first English dub of this series, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were portrayed as cousins, while in the original Japanese version, these two characters were lesbian lovers. A classic example of this can be seen in the original English dub of Sailor Moon. American licensors often deemed certain types of content to be “inappropriate” for western audiences, so they changed certain things for the English dub. Many anime series, particularly older series, were censored for the English dub. Some anime is censored or otherwise changed for the English release. These fans view anime as an artform, and do not believe that it should be altered in any way. Purists, and the Case for Subtitled AnimeĪnime fans who exclusively watch the subtitled versions of anime, even when a dub is available, are often referred to as “purists.” Purists are usually diehard anime fans, or “otaku.” One of the main reasons that purists give for preferring subs is that subtitles allow them to experience the anime the way the creators meant for it to be seen.

Celebrities who watch anime